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Snapshot 1 - 9/12/16

Writer's Notebook

This page in my writer's notebook I think shows how detailed you can get in the moment of writing. I remember writing this piece, just describing everything going on around me in that moment. It's such an intricate look into one random moment in my life, and it took all of my attention to write it. I believe this can be an awesome exercise to do with my writing students, where we focus on what is happening at the very moment they are writing. Doing this could make students think of very specific memories or thoughts that they could elaborate on after this exercise or later in their own writer's notebook. For example, if a student is wearing the same shirt they wore at their recent birthday party, hopefully this exercise could make that student remember this and then write about their party in another exercise. Tapping into the sense could be changed to be feelings, colors, seasons, anything to fit a specific classroom based on my students, and I'm exciting to see it in action one day!

WNB Snapshot 1: Inner_about

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