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Teaching Philosophy

Earlier in my educational career here at TCNJ, I had to create a website outlining my teaching philosophy. On that site, you can find this statement: 



"One of the best things about literature is the individual experience everyone has when interacting with a piece. Reading a great novel, poem, short story, essay, or another piece of literature can allow one to understand the experience of others. Literature transcends history, genres, social contexts, and morals, which allows for great self and group reflection. Through reading and writing, I have been able to become a part of everything I have read and written. I hope to allow my students to have that same experience by creating a curious and open environment surrounded by canonical and non-cannon texts. I want to help them lose themselves as well as find themselves, all within the world of words."



It has been just a few years since I first wrote and published my first website, and I have finally entered a few classrooms. This statement still reigns true in my heart, and now more than ever, I can see the importance my love for reading and writing has on young minds. To build on my earlier dreams of connecting students with reading and writing, I'd like to focus on three specific aspects of my teaching philosophy and the ways in which I have incorporated them into my classroom during student teaching.

Those three aspects are:


1.) The establishment of a safe and open classroom environment

are key to student success.


2.) Connecting classroom texts and activities to students' lives allows for

them to truly express their own ideas, thoughts, and feelings

in meaningful ways. 


3.) Creating a differentiated classroom allows for

students to reach their fullest potential. 

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